FEP Program » Mission and Vision Statement

Mission and Vision Statement

Mission Statement
The FEP mission is to engage families of children from ages birth to five as partners in learning and decision-making, so together, we prepare children for school readiness. 
Vision Statement
The vision of the FEP birth to three program is to partner with parents as we, together, build an early and strong foundation for each child's learning. Through their power of positive parenting parents will recognize the impact of their role and continue nurturing learning throughout their child's educational journey. All families and children who participate in the ECHO Family Enrichment Program will be equipped with knowledge of developmental milestones, skills, support and resources at each stage of development to ensure that their children are Prekindergarten "ready" when they transition to school. Children of the Family Enrichment Program will demonstrate confidence, emotional and physical well- being, knowledge of self- care, strong language and communication sills, curiosity and creativity, problem solving capacity, large and small motor development, and social skills appropriate for their level of growth and development. Most importantly, each child will display a love of learning as they play and engage with others.